Day 107 -100 Followers & new categories

Yesterday, Ana’s Lair got its 100th follower!

So I would like to take this moment to once again thank you for making this possible. The blog is not even 4 months old yet, so I am very happy.

When I look at its beginning and what it has been achieved now, I have to say I am pretty proud. I have done things I did not think possible, since it is quite difficult to come out of my shell. Having such awesome folks as yourself take the time to drop by, make suggestions, criticism, compliments, etc., gave me all the motivation I needed to go beyond my capabilities. So thank you so very much!

I would also like to mention that I created a new Category: Tags. It will parent both Awards and Challenges.
So far they house the Liebster and Beautiful Bloggers award, and the 20 Books of Summer and 2015 Netgalley & Edelweiss Reading Challenge Jan-May challenges.

Happy weekend, everyone!

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