Random Chat: Where Do You Read?

Where Do You Read?

Step up, take a seat, make yourself at home and let’s chat!

Besides snuggling up at home, my favourite places to read…


… are definitely…


… near nature.


But the fact is I will read anywhere.

And I mean anywhere


Regardless of whether there are people around or not, I always take my book with me.

Do you do this as well or is there any situation you can think of that you will not take your book along?

And where do you prefer to read?

27 thoughts on “Random Chat: Where Do You Read?

  1. I mostly read in bed, or curled up on the sofa. The weather has to be insanely hot for me to be able to read comfortably outside as I have tapwater in my veins where most people have blood and hate being cold. And most of the time the UK is too cold to sit still for any length of time in comfort. As for not reading… when the granddchildren are around. I get so lost inside a book, than unless I am reading aloud to them – something that happens often, anyway – I’m aware one of them could be drowning in a puddle or fall into a nettle patch and I would be oblivious to their cries for help… So grandchildren = no reading when they are around.

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    • I completely relate, being nice and cosy is very important when reading.

      Wow Sarah, I totally admire your ability to zone out. Amazing. Sometimes when there are loud noises, especially people talking cause it goes up and down, know what I mean? – I have a lot of trouble concentrating then.

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      • No… which is why I have to ration myself! It’s always been the same – as a child it got me into ENDLESS trouble as I regularly didn’t reply when called…

        Liked by 1 person

      • Ooh a new trait of bookworms, I like that! Awesome, thanks, I will try to use that at work

        “I am a bookworm so… there.”

        Yep, should work!

        Liked by 1 person

      • I really do think it’s a thing… When I used to teach a class of children and we had a reading session, you’d tell the class to pack up their books – you always knew the independent readers – they were the ones so engrossed in their books, they didn’t hear you.

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      • I think it’s fascinating. So which comes first – the ability to get lost in a story no matter what’s going on around you? Or is it a trait that grows BECAUSE you regularly exercise it when getting lost in said story?

        Liked by 1 person

      • You are so right! Hmm, I am leaning towards it being an ability developed by the love of reading and staying engrossed in a story but I think that for that to happen there must be a pre-disposition in the person’s character, if that makes any sense? O.o

        Liked by 1 person

  2. I do the same thing! I absolutely always have a book with me because I have this strange fear that I will have unexpected downtime while I’m out, and if I don’t have my book I’ll get bored and regret not bringing it. Basically, my books are my security blanket.

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