The Good Things in Life

I have been in an instrospective mood lately and, quite frankly, I needed a breather.

So in a last minute decision, I threw myself in the car and off I went.

There are few things that make me a happy as being on the beach with a good book.
Throw in lovely weather and fresh watermelon and I am in heaven.


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So that is where I am right now and figured I would share, while at the same time making my first post ever from my WordPress Phone app. I am curious to see how this turns out!

What are you doing right now?
And what makes you happy?


13 thoughts on “The Good Things in Life

  1. It’s always great to take a spontaneous trip out to clear your head a bit! Although this is a post from the mobile app, I think it turned out great! Glad you had an amazing day. xoxo

    Liked by 1 person

  2. hey, i love your blog! this post is so inspiring! i just started out my blog & i would be stoked if you could check it out and give me feedback! im looking forward to more of your posts!
    -cristina ☼

    Liked by 1 person

    • Ahah sorry toy couldn’t be there too, your time will come!
      I have endured pretty crappy weather myself, it was about time I got a day like this! Especially when I most needed it :)


  3. Nice post! Bet that was more pleasant than typing lengthy book reviews, lol. You are lucky to be near the sea. What am I doing now? Listening to Abba on my cd player. What makes me happy? Watching nature bathed in sunsets, revisiting any old movie or book that makes me feel “cosy” and snacking on chocolate are good starters.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks for answering the questions, Geoffrey!
      Yep, I am about 20 minutes away by car.
      Abba… Been a while since I listened to those!
      Ooh sunsets and chocolate and a good book = happiness!!

      Liked by 1 person

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